Thursday, July 28, 2011

A week in the life - Thursday

Another day of travel, lots of packing and driving. It was kind of hard not to repeat the pictures I took Monday but I figure I got most of our driving routines down then so that's ok. It's late here but I need to fill out the pdf sheet so I don't forget any details of the day.
I have to admit I assembled my Monday pages in the album last night. Just had to try it and I like how it looks, just not sure of how to include stuff i collected and some extra photos in my last page of each day. I'm not showing it yet as it's not finished but it's cool to have a glimpse of what it will look like when it's done. Looking forward to document the last three days as we will be in one place, with just us and my father in law. It's been interesting to take pictures these hectic days but it will be nice to show some down time as well.

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